I’m off to the 2008 Foundation Symposium tomorrow, a day of asking: “what do current Web trends tell us about the future of ICT provision for learners and researchers?…”
The programme and speakers look pretty good – Larry Johnson from NMC and Jem Stone from the Beeb to mention but a couple of the better known names.
Andy, Pete and Ed from the Foundation are trying out a bunch of interesting stuff to support the conference backchannel. For starters they’ve set up a Ning iteration at http://efsym2008.ning.com/ which, as Andy and I point out in the comments, is (at the least) pretty useful in this day and age to put a face to the virtual contacts we’ve all made via Twitter, IM and blogging. Ning for me has really risen in importance as a social media platform to be taken seriously since they solidified their API and developer network…
Next off, they’ll be streaming live video from the event, so if you can’t make it you can catch our ugly mugs on the Eduserv website. On the same page there is also a live chat facility as provided by CoverItLive. I’ve been roped in to pick questions and shout them out during the QA’s after each session. So be nice and I might just let you ask something 🙂
Last but not least, OneTag will be in operation with a slideshow and mobile version of everything tagged efsym2008.
All in all, it’s going to be fun. And an early start, so I’m off to bed. See you there (or not) tomorrow.