It’s BathCamp weekend!

…well, almost.

A long time ago I posted the first mention of BathCamp. We came up with the idea in Montreal at Museums and the Web in April 2008. Now we’re 5 months down the line and two days (eek!) before the event itself.

I’m deeply, deeply excited about what we’ve (collectively – thanks guys!) achieved: fantastic sponsors, an amazing venue, a hugely interesting list of people wanting to talk and a quantity of buzz, too. I’ve also been very touched by the number of people who have helped out in many and various ways. Sometime soon I’ll talk about who they (you!) are, but now is not that time – got things to do 😉

You’ll have noticed that there has been a looong gap since the last post on Electronic Museum. The reason for this is two-fold. First, the obvious one – BathCamp has not only diverted some of my writing attention over to but also eaten up many spare evenings and weekend time: the time I usually spend both researching and writing the Electronic Museum blog. Second, I’ve become increasingly aware that the blogs that I really read are not the ones who mercilessly grind out a post or more a day (you know who you are!), but the ones which are beautifully written, opinionated, well crafted and (possibly because of this) most often less frequent. Much as I love TechCrunch, for example, my Google Reader tells me 13.6 posts a day are pumped out from the lips of Arringtons’ team. I also did some asking around about RSS subscriptions, and a number of people said they subscribe to 100 or more feeds. I subscribe to a choice few feeds, and checking today after a 3 day break, I have 650 unread items. This is craziness, and I want to be a part of the signal, not part of the noise.

I’m on holiday next week following BathCamp (so you’ll get a bit more blessed silence from me..) – following that, things might return to normal round here OR I may bring my latest scheme into action. Watch this space 🙂

See you at BathCamp – if you can’t make it, remember you can keep an eye on anything tagged bathcamp08. ta!

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