Going away to a land without any internet access (rural Devon, in a valley with no mobile coverage..) immediately after organising something like BathCamp feels a bit odd. On the one hand it’s great to run away and escape the stress, build-up and excitement that comes with running an event like that. On the other, it’s often the few days following an event that really help to mark whether something was a success or not, and missing out on the buzz feels a bit like missing out on the good bit of a party 🙂
It’s now more than a week ago, but I still wanted to chuck out a brief blog post with some thanks and thoughts.
First off, massive thanks to our amazing sponsors – without you, nothing at all would have happened. We ate, venued (?) and drank extremely well, and I think we wanted for nothing. Except maybe space-themed savoury snacks, that is (noted – we’ll sort it out for next time 🙂 ).
I’d particularly like to thank.. Darren Beale of Siftware who went waaay beyond the call of duty by not only sponsoring but also helping us shift baths and drapes, not to mention running an excellent quiz; Peter Gradwell, who – again – not only sponsored, but also provided us with technical support (thanks Gavin!) to help bolster the wifi network in the venue; JR from Invention who helped in so many ways – and under really rather…difficult..circumstances – I can’t possibly mention them all here; Matt Jukes for the multi-function bath / duck habitat / beer cooler (not to mention the ducks themselves…); the awesome Lisa P for organisational skills extraordinaire; Tim B for being amazing and knowing – well, everyone; the other co-organisers for all your hard work; Oh, and the sponsors (again!) – particularly for their flexibility and patience dealing with someone like me who knows NOTHING about sponsorship..; my mum…and…look – you know who you are – thanks…!
Without the people who turned up and did talks, of course, BathCamp would have been a pizza n beer fest without any reason or meaning: fattening, tasty, but ultimately unsatisfying. As it happens, the talks were extraordinary in their range and interestingness, and I’d like to thank everyone who contributed – and everyone who listened and questioned too. One of my core personal aims of BathCamp was to try to create an event where ideas of all kinds – deep tech, light tech, non-tech – were surfaced and shared by people who cared passionately about those ideas. I think it worked.
I’ll leave commentary on sessions to everyone else. Over the coming week, I’ll find some time to try and link stuff together a bit better from the main BathCamp website. For now, you can get a pretty good idea of what people have been saying about the event by checking out this OneTag view. Once again, thanks everyone. You rocked.
Hi Mike
Thanks for organising such an excellent Bar Camp. It popped my cherry and I will certainly be attending future bar camps. I live in Bath but have never worked in Bath (apart from my tenancy at carpenter house innovation centre mainly on a friday) so it was inspirational to attend such an event, I would love for something similar to happen every 3 months at least.
If I can help in any way as a non developer type to organise future stuff then please get in touch, I have a courier van and driver which maybe of some use???
Thanks again – Cheers Chris
Oops that should have read Chris Book of course! Chris Bok is someone else who is good at typing!
Hey Chris – thanks for kind comments and the offer of help. I’m definitely interested in doing more locally – will drop you a line when my thoughts are better formed..
Hi Mike,
Thanks again for all the great work you put into bathcamp, I am sure your sojourn in rural Devon was much needed! I had a great time, and really appreciate all the hard work everyone put into it.
Thanks again
Hi Mike
I wish I’d been able to make it. It sounds like it was a fantastic event.
A lot of the related stuff is pulled together here: http://www.pageflakes.com/bathcamp
I used this to follow what was going on over the weekend. I’m not sure it helped me feel better about missing out though…
Hi James
Thanks for your thanks 🙂 – glad you enjoyed it, and thank you for coming along
Hi Polly – cheers. thats really useful. Will hopefully see you next time!
fantastic Mike and team 🙂 roll on BathCamp #2 soon(ish) was great to be at, and to try and stream it on video (Bandwidth permitting..) the videos, photo’s and my report can be seen at my site: http://www.dsoundz.co.uk you will find the link to my report by clicking on to EVENTS !
stay in touch 🙂 and great work on The Science Museums website – wish my site could be more, er.. well designed..