@Richard – Yes, I think that there are a few simple tweaks which could improve the experience, hopefully without compromising on simplicity. Groups (of course..), filters, etc – would be good.

I think you’re right about some of the practicalities. I should also be clear – I’m very (very!) careful with *any* online content to not mention people or employers by name, and rude though I might be, I try (most of the time) not to go *too* far 🙂

I think the trust thing applies as it does to – say – an email. The implicit trust level in a private account I think applies in the same way. I don’t think many people would publicise a private email by publishing it. I could be wrong.

Have I turned people away from @dmje? – yes. I get fairly frequent requests to follow which I treat just like anyone with a private account would treat requests to follow in Twitter, Facebook, wherever.

I actually find Tweetdeck pretty good – not ideal – but better than anything else I’ve used . Ditto Echofon for mobile use.