
This is what’s going to happen re. CSV to Linked Data Wizard. You import your CSV data into Virtuoso (as you do today re. Access or Excel):

1. A Wizard then enables you organize the tabular representation.
2. You import.
3. You Publish as RDF based Linked Data

Now, lets say you have 10 CSV files with data related to “John Smith”, you will have an Identifier for each of the CSV entities and you will be able, post RDF View Generation, make assertions like:
owl:sameAs .

Once you make the assertions above, Virtuoso’s reasoning will handle the data reconciliation for you via conditional application of rules context for “co-references” .

Here is an example of the kind of resource description presentation that you will see re. co-referenced data in Virtuoso:

1. — I have many Identifiers 🙂

Virtuoso allows you to mesh/smush (perform union expansion of co-referenced data), conditionally i.e., you enable a give rules context e.g. owl:sameAs inference .
