Oh Mike! So true! Can I add two other variables – conscience and an age-related one … memory. I use Pocket and I tell myself it’s a godsend. It enables me to read stuff offline – but when is that please explain to me now when we have ubiquitous access to the internet?? It is a very good app however for all that and I do occasionally try to re-visit stuff I’ve filed away as “essential reading”, but generally I just tag, or even re-tag if I’m particularly anal that day, the contents. Which leads me to the other variable. As one approaches the age when one should really not start the day by reading RSS feeds, one should also perhaps relax and not worry that I might miss something, or worse still forget something. Hell, it’s a miracle I can remember my name some days, so why worry a out feeling I need to remember an article about eciting in Lightroom. The sensible side of my being even knows that the article will be renewed, replaced, regurgitated again and again. In fact, I should probably accept this as a form of peer-review. Don’t read it until it’s popped-up at least three times. Now there’s an idea for an add-on filter for Feedly!

Despite all that, I will continue to curate/archive stuff that I will never read, or worse still will share with others on Flipboard. Now … where is that really important piece I saved to diigo, did I tag it correctly, oh no! Panic, I can’t find it.

PS Loved the Douglas Adams quote.