Well it’s very nice to know I’m not the only one 🙂

You raise an interesting point which I think about a lot which is that if I managed to find X thing today then surely I’ll be able to find it in 6 months time just by Googling it – so why on earth do I have this obsession with bookmarking it? But – I do.

I used to use Pocket (and Pinboard for bookmarks) and then became aware of the fact that I was endlessly creating “read later” stuff which I never …read later – hence my move to Raindrop.io which does both. And actually one of the (many) things it does which is superb is creates a snapshot of anything bookmarked – so link rot stops being an issue…

Feed reading – I still really love it. I’m a Mac user and have forked out on Reeder which looks lovely and works really seamlessly. I still skim endlessly, but I love the way I can actually curate my way through stuff – it’s just letting it go I think which is the challenge. Seeing a thing and being able to say “yup, interesting, but no real reason for me to dig any deeper”.

Douglas Adams. What a legend. You’ll know the story no doubt, but I only just now found this interview where he relates it on video: http://littleatoms.com/words/watch-douglas-adams-tell-greatest-story-ever-told