No news is good

So here we are – the start of what we all think is likely to be a terrifying new era as The Orange Twat takes possession of his presidential throne and starts throwing his weight around doing Stupid And Dangerous Things.

The question is – what to do about it?

As a concerned lefty UK citizen, I’ve come up with an answer: Fuck all. Nada. Nothing. Ostrich the problem.

Because, after all:

  1. It’s happening, regardless
  2. Nothing I do can make any difference
  3. Nothing that happens in the US will have any noticeable impact on my life anyway
  4. I’m busy enough without all this shit
  5. It’s intensely depressing to read about it every single minute of every single day
  6. I’m much more interested in what’s going on locally to me – to my town, my family, my friends
  7. People like Twump only exist because of the heat and noise that is generated by all of us worrying about them

My strategy: avoid the news as much as possible, and focus on the good stuff instead. I’m not on any socialz any more so that bit is easy. My main source of “stuff” is my RSS reader, which I massively enjoy for the complete lack of hysteria / social media bullshit / algorithm. I’ll have a rough sense of what’s going on because it’s not like I’m going to cover my ears when the news comes on or if someone starts telling me about it – but I’m not going to seek it out either.

It feels much healthier this way, much more sane. A part of me will be twitching to go doomscrolling, but I’ve got a suspicion that this part will fade away as I get used to not visiting BBC news every day.

Good luck out there.