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Ten things a web designer would never tell you

Following the barcamp (BathCamp) that we ran last year, I was looking for a way of maintaining some momentum around the local tech scene, and decided to put together a monthly evening meetup. The first of these was on Wednesday 4th Feb. Talking at the event were two pretty well known people from the web … Read more

That was…BathCamp 2008

Going away to a land without any internet access (rural Devon, in a valley with no mobile coverage..) immediately after organising something like BathCamp feels a bit odd. On the one hand it’s great to run away and escape the stress, build-up and excitement that comes with running an event like that. On the other, … Read more

A barcamp in Bath? Bathcamp, obviously.

Nothing quite like leaping in and doing something before sorting out any of the details, but I’m hoping to organise a barcamp type moment in the Bath vicinity sometime during summer 2008. I’m actually possibly the worst person to do anything with such enormous logistical overhead, but as long as I remain confident, calm and … Read more