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“Can I find it on Google?”

Let’s ask this: Just what do museum website users want? Actually, before we do that, the biggest question is “who is our audience?”. Wait. Before we do that, let’s assume that – what – 70-80% of museum website users want to find out some logistical stuff: “what’s on? how do I get there? how much … Read more

There is no PEBCAK

Watching Google’s amazing “what is a browser” video (below) it is easy (and I can almost hear the geeks laughing) to assume that these are just stupid people on a bad day. I mean, what the hell is wrong with them? “My browser is Google”? WTF? The thing is, these aren’t stupid people. They’re just … Read more

King Knol

(^ That title was vaguely supposed to be a play on “King Knut” but it didn’t really work out…) Seb has posted about an article on OpenCulture where the author compares Google’s Knol project to Wikipedia. OpenCulture ultimately comes down hard on Google, reckoning that the Wikipedia “editing by masses” model is a better one. … Read more