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Linked Data: my challenge

What with Gordon Brown’s recent (just an hour or so ago) announcement of lots of digital goodness at the “Building Britain’s Digital Future” event, the focus sharpens once again on Linked Data. I’ve been sitting on the sidelines sniping gently at Linked Data since it apparently replaced the Semantic Web as The Next Big Thing. … Read more

Are synapses intelligent?

It’s hard not to be fascinated by the emerging and developing conversations around museums and the Semantic Web. Museums, apart from anything else, have lots of stuff, and a constant problem finding ways of intelligently presenting and cross-linking that stuff. Search is ok if you know what you’re looking for but browse as an alternative … Read more

Semanticism. Semanticness. Semanticitivity.

Ever found yourself struggling to answer the question “but what is the Semantic Web? Can’t you give me an example…”? When I was talking at a UKSG seminar recently, one of the deligates asked one of the presenters exactly this – how the Semantic Web might work in practice. The response was slightly woolly – … Read more

Microformats: added to my TWTOD

I spend a lot of my time talking and living tech. Actually, I spend *most* of my time talking and living tech…and yet I’m not in any way a hardcore techy: a fact that often amuses or bemuses those people around me. I don’t really understand the detail behind TCP/IP, I only know the basic … Read more