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Pushing MRD out from under the geek rock

The week before last (30th June – 1st July 2009), I was at the JISC Digital Content Conference having been asked to take part in one of their parallel sessions. I thought I’d use the session to talk about something I’m increasingly interested in – the shifting of the message about machine readable data (think … Read more

The Brooklyn Museum API – Q&A with Shelley Bernstein and Paul Beaudoin

The concept and importance of museum-based API’s are notions that I’ve written about consistently (boringly, probably) both on this blog and elsewhere on the web. Programmatic and open access to data is – IMO – absolutely key to ensuring the long-term success of online collections. Many conversations have been going on about how to make … Read more

The person is the point

This is just going to be a quickie, mainly so I get it out before I go away on holiday never to remember it again. At some point I might expand on it. Over the last few weeks in particular, we’ve seen the public finally sitting up and noticing Twitter. It’s been on the BBC, … Read more

Where the F have you been?

It’s been a long while (possibly the biggest gap since the launch of this blog..) since my last post – over a month. This is unprecedented for me, and I’ve had four or five emails (thanks!) asking me why. I’ve always dodged around with an answer, not because I was trying to avoid some horrific … Read more

“we have a tech generation that thinks that’s all there is”

How to go about writing up a conference like Future of Web Apps? With, what, a thousand plus people converging on a space as large as London’s Excel centre, it’s not like you can be at every talk, breathe in every vibe, taste all the startups. I was even more crippled by the fact that … Read more

A barcamp in Bath? Bathcamp, obviously.

Nothing quite like leaping in and doing something before sorting out any of the details, but I’m hoping to organise a barcamp type moment in the Bath vicinity sometime during summer 2008. I’m actually possibly the worst person to do anything with such enormous logistical overhead, but as long as I remain confident, calm and … Read more