Me, me me.
I like good technology, but I love good content. I always have. When I first started doing this stuff it was ok to say “content is king” and not have to immediately throw oneself on The Sword Of Cringe. (If it’s any measure of the time, by the way, we also used to – quite regularly – say “bricks and clicks” too…)
Just after that, us webby people lost ourselves somewhat in a maelstrom of marquee tags, Flash, dhtml menus and WAP. For a while we laughed at ourselves for being so STUPID as to think the content was important at all, and GODDAMIT LOOK AT THIS WHIRLY LOGO I DID.
Now, thank god, people have started realising that all that bollocks was just fashion, and content still is king, even if you can’t now say the phrase out loud without getting lynched, or at least winning a point in late-90’s office bingo.
The beauty of compelling content aside, I’m also interested in how organisations (particularly those which are traditionally quite slow at embracing new approaches to technology) can be empowered to do so. I regularly speak and give workshops about social media, mobile technologies and new business models, and have written a book on how to manage and grow a cultural heritage web presence.
Here’s a potted CV if you need it, or get in touch if you happen to need a full one for whatever nefarious / stalky type reason you may have.
…now, I’m co-director of Thirty8 Digital, a two person agency that I run with my wife. We work with museums and others to help them make the most of the web. I’ve also recently co-founded The Museum Platform. It’s a platform. For museums.
…from 2007 – July 2011 I was Digital Strategist for a Bath-based company called Eduserv, a not for profit IT services group. I worked within the Research & Innovation Group, looking at new technologies and how these impact on the way people communicate and collaborate.
…from 2000-2007 I was Head of Web for the National Museum of Science and Industry, UK, which comprises the Science Museum in London, Media Museum in Bradford and Railway Museum in York
…before that I was Production Manager at Waterstone’s Online
…prior to that, I ran a small business providing web and print design consultancy. Oh, and picture framing. Don’t ask.
There’s more than you could possibly care to know about me over on on LinkedIn, or you can read my 8 random things post. Oh, or there’s a thing called Twitter where I’m known to lurk on the odd occasion..
If you want to get in touch (for instance to buy my services or incredible intelligence for vast quantities of cash, new media stock or crumpets) then please get in touch, and I’ll get back to you with a speed commensurate with what you’ve got to offer.