Bugger. I’ve been sucked in to playing the meme game (damn you, Roberto…).
Here are the rules:
1: Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
2: People who are tagged need to write a post on their own blog (about their eight things) and post these rules.
3: At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
4: Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
Without further time-wasting, are my eight (why 8?):
- I supported Snow Patrol (just as they were about to make it huge) when in a band called the Dead Lovers. Lead singer Toby is now trying to make it on his own.
- I am completely addicted to the (really quite bad) “Jack Reacher” novels of Lee Child, and have read each at least 3 times. Luckily I also have an appalling memory, so each time is still pretty exciting.
- I am thinking quite hard about possibly writing a novel. But don’t tell anyone. [Oops…]
- AV Roe (of AVRO fame), Marie Stopes and, indirectly, Barnes Wallis are all in my family tree. And I’m still not **** rich…
- I have Grade VIII piano, and compose the occasional tune on my laptop (Ableton. It rocks.)
- I have never known my father, who died when I was a week old.
- I have a mildly weird thing about having clean hands. Not, like, freaky or anything…but you know…
- I have a degree in Geophysics (aka “The art of not digging things up”). If you know how I came to be a “web professional”, please let me know 🙂
My nominations (* thinks: do I actually know 8 people with blogs…? * – and in brackets the likelihood they’ll contribute too…) :
Brian Kelly [100% certainty: you know Brian, he loves this stuff 🙂 ]
Paul Walk [65% certainty: Paul may object to me copying the idea…ha ha. In joke.]
Stephen Pope [unknown: Steve blogs infrequently, so it may happen, but may not, depending on what’s on TV.]
Jane Audas [60%: may not be “designed” enough for Jane but you never know. If you catch her during a geek moment, anything’s possible </view source>]
Simon Wardley [80%: not sure there’s enough content about ducks]
Seb Chan [90%: yeah, reckon so. Seb’s up for most stuff]
Nina Simon [60%: possibly, but I don’t really know Nina except via the web so it’s a bit of a punt…Hi Nina!]
Jennifer Trant [70%: depending on how stupidly busy she is organising museums and the web 2008 ]