I’m delighted and terrified (in pretty much equal measures) to announce that at the end of June 2011 I’ll be leaving my current employer Eduserv, and heading out into the wilderness of the freelancer.
As with any move, I’ll be very sad to leave the fine people I’ve been working so closely with but I’m also totally over-excited about starting something up. I fooled around with my own company when I left university in 1995 but it all went horribly wrong and it’s always felt like an itch I wanted to scratch properly.
This time, I won’t be alone in my endeavours. My excellent and massively talented wife – ex Science Museum, ex-Natural History Museum, ex-Colston Hall, mum – will be joining me as co-director of our new company thirty8 *. We’ll be focusing on web consulting, web and mobile strategy, training, content development and also some WordPress-based site builds. Naturally with our backgrounds we’ll be looking for museumy work, but we aren’t going to be limited by sector in any way.
So that’s it. Obviously if you’re looking for people to work with or just want to say hello, please do get in touch by dropping a comment on this post or via Twitter.
See you in July 🙂
{ * And why “thirty8”? Well, that’d be telling.. }
Are you both really that old? 😉
Ha! As it happens, I am (Rach isn’t!) – but that’s not the reason 🙂
well I knew it couldn’t be that youngster Rachel…
Good luck, Mike!
Cheers mate!
All the best with it. Remember us when you sell out to Google 🙂
Thanks Joe. You’re on my list of people to ask for advice 🙂
Best of luck with the new venture. You’re joining a growing band of us freelancers lurking around Bath and combining it with family life. It’s mostly very pleasant being master of your own destiny, but slightly worrying needing to generate enough work to pay the mortgage!
I’d love to discuss possible collaboration and future ventures, as we seem to be involved in related fields. I offer educational ICT consultancy and research through my little company Mustard Learning. Have a look at my website and see what you think http://www.mustardlearning.com (please bear in mind I’m NOT a web designer or developer! when you look at the site!). Maybe we can have a chat about it sometime over a fine cup of coffee in one of the cafes us freelancers all lurk about in 😉
Hey – would love to have a chat. I’ll drop you an email and let’s grab lunch or coffee at some point shortly..