Two very different new things

I promised myself I’d come up here and look at something (see, now I can’t even remember what that thing was, the internet rabbithole foo is so strong) – but it certainly wasn’t this site, and then I got sucked in for whatever reason and now I’ve been fiddling for about an hour (NEW THEME, WOO) and FUCK ME my life is disappearing in front of my eyes.

The hilarity is, I came upstairs in order to go up into the attic and do my daily meditation session but like a twat I popped into the office and here I am, MUST STOP.

But anyway – I thought while I was here wasting time I’d post two things: firstly, I realised that I am now the proud founder* of THREE businesses (yes, as per homepage, forget about the first one, it was a combination of picture framer / photocopy wrangler / early web designer and really apart from the story where I cut someone’s priceless print into 6 pieces by mistake doesn’t really warrant any further conversation) – but that the latest one is probably of some interest.

It’s The Museum Platform. The elevator pitch is: a platform for (smaller) museums – a web based thing that enables museums to get their collections and web pages online easily and cheaply. It’s a collaboration between me and the excellent Jeremy O and Rob T and I am VERY EXCITED about it all. I will write more in the future about what it feels like launching a product (vs running a consultancy) as I have lots to say, but for now I’ll just leave it at that.

The second thing is just a thing I knocked up for a laff – the RANTIMATOR. It’s basically an anti-social Twitter. I just get to write what I like, not clutter these page up too much and – as my friend Oli says – howl to the moon. No comments, no replies, no likes. There’s an RSS feed which doesn’t seem to quite work yet (that’s my PHP skillz for you), but will soon, but honest to god I can’t see why anyone would want to subscribe to it.

That’s it. Over and out.

( * I love the word “founder”. I mean, I don’t because it makes one appear a total wanker – but at the same time there is a bit of me buffing my fingernails and thinking – YES THIS IS IT and thinking that Paul Graham and Cal Newport and all those productive people must be at least slightly proud of me, because I SHIPPED, you know? What a twat. )

6 thoughts on “Two very different new things”

  1. In passing, have you seen @simonw’s niche museums sketches ( ) built from his datasette family of tools (really neat plugin architecture, dead simple data ingest using his sqlite_utils and X-to-sqlite tools ( )

    Also, Dave Patten (Huddersfield Mashed libraries / shambrarian) runs an interesting site the idea of which perhaps scales:

    So when did you take up the printing?!:-)

    • Cheers Tony, will check those out – man, there’s a lot of museums in the US 🙂

      Printing: quite a long time ago now, I’m going to say 5 years but I’m not good with timescales. Don’t tell my clients that tho…

      • There’s a lot of museums everywhere!

        I keep thinking it’d be fun to try to catalogue “libraries” on the island. Lots of places have them. Like the hospital. And Osborne House. And Quarr Abbey. I’m guessing some of the old manorial houses. Maybe big factory sites like BAe Systems. The prisons(s). The Isle of Wight College. And so on.

  2. There’s a lot of museums everywhere!

    I keep thinking it’d be fun to try to catalogue “libraries” on the island. Lots of places have them. Like the hospital. And Osborne House. And Quarr Abbey. I’m guessing some of the old manorial houses. Maybe big factory sites like BAe Systems. The prisons(s). The Isle of Wight College. And so on.

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