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Museums, I’ll just leave this here

A little over a year ago I wrote a brief thing about museums and oil sponsorship, and along the way I said this: And Twitter? Well, I’ve got a longer post to write about museums and social media in general (in short: social media is dying: museums should do less of it) but it does … Read more

Oil sponsors? Twitter? Stop that, museums.

I can think of no justification whatsoever for a museum to be accepting sponsorship from an oil company in this day and age. It was embarrassing back in 2000 when I first joined the sector to see Shell / BP / Equinor / BNFL sponsoring galleries, exhibitions, exhibits and interactives. The “but the museum has … Read more

WordPress culture hackday, anyone?

A long and interesting thread on the MCG list prompted a thought – how about a WordPress hack-and-knowledge-sharing-kinda-day for culture? We could talk about stuff like: best approaches and favourite plugins ways to hook into existing systems like Omeka building some simple plugins to interface with CH open data building some simple plugins to interface … Read more

QR isn’t an end, it’s a means

QR seems to have taken on a bit of a life of its own over the past few weeks. Not only have I seen far more of the codes in the wild, but there seems to be many more people writing about it, many more news articles – and also (which is nice) – lots … Read more

Strategic digital marketing: don’t be dis(integrated)

I was asked to speak at At-Bristol recently at a gathering of marketing people from the UK Association for Science and Discovery Centres. The topic of choice was strategic marketing. Now, as I made it clear on the day, I’m not – officially, at least – a “marketing person”. Nonetheless, I’ve spent more than a decade … Read more

Managing and growing a cultural heritage web presence

I’m absolutely delighted (and only slightly scared) to announce that I’ve been commissioned to write a book for Facet Publishing. Ever since I started working with museums online, I’ve felt that there is a need for strategic advice to help managers of cultural heritage web presences. There are of course hundreds of thousands of resources … Read more

Dear DCMS. Please find our stats.

* An open letter to whoever it may concern at the Department of Culture, Media and Sport * Dear Sir/Madam My attention was drawn recently to a Freedom of Information request which was made to you regarding museum web statistics. The request was made by an ex-colleage and friend of mine, Frankie Roberto, who used … Read more

(Selling) content in a networked age

I’m just back from Torquay where I’d been asked to speak at the 32nd annual UKSG conference. I first came across UKSG more than a year ago when they asked me to speak at a London workshop they were hosting. Back then, I did a general overview of API’s from a non-technical perspective. This time … Read more

Creative Spaces – just…why?

There’s been a fair bit of buzz around the launch of the NMOLP (National Museums Online Learning Project) – now apparently renamed as “Creative Spaces” for launch. I’ve known about this project for a long while – when I was at the Science Museum, very initial discussions were taking place at the V&A about how … Read more

Where the F have you been?

It’s been a long while (possibly the biggest gap since the launch of this blog..) since my last post – over a month. This is unprecedented for me, and I’ve had four or five emails (thanks!) asking me why. I’ve always dodged around with an answer, not because I was trying to avoid some horrific … Read more