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Why 3 won’t replace 2

I was at the Hague during the latter part of last week, doing a keynote at CATCH // Museum 2.0. The organisers had seen me talking at “Kom je ook?” and asked me to go over again. This talk – “Why the Social Web is here to stay (and what to do about it)” is … Read more

“we have a tech generation that thinks that’s all there is”

How to go about writing up a conference like Future of Web Apps? With, what, a thousand plus people converging on a space as large as London’s Excel centre, it’s not like you can be at every talk, breathe in every vibe, taste all the startups. I was even more crippled by the fact that … Read more

BathCamp update

As I mentioned in an earlier post, because I haven’t got enough on outside of work (OneTag+, various blogs, a novel, music composing, Stufflinker, museum mashup day, 2 kids) – and really need to fill that 25th and 26th hours of the day – I’m working with a bunch of people to put together a … Read more

Eduserv Foundation Symposium

I’m off to the 2008 Foundation Symposium tomorrow, a day of asking: “what do current Web trends tell us about the future of ICT provision for learners and researchers?…” The programme and speakers look pretty good – Larry Johnson from NMC and Jem Stone from the Beeb to mention but a couple of the better … Read more

Museums and the Web 2008: roundup

Ok. Obviously the intention was to live-blog the sessions I went to during Museums and the Web, but in the end it all comes down (unfortunately) to time, of which there simply isn’t enough (except when waiting for a damn plane). I’m working on an API using a RESTful approach to sort this out but … Read more

API: “the nubby bits on Lego”

Aaron Cope from Flickr gave a good talk this morning entitled “The API As Curator” which meandered its way around but contained some gem quotes and ideas: “once upon a time I was a painter, and then the web happened” “you do art to share it” “the web: it seemed a perfect way around the … Read more

Museums and the Web day 3 (or day 1..)

Ok. It’s opening plenary time here at Museums and the Web 2008. I didn’t manage to do any blogging yesterday – that’s what an entire day of workshops followed by immediate dinner and wine does to you… Michael Geist is the guest speaker: “technology advocate and trouble maker”. I like him already 🙂 Michael spent … Read more

Museums and the Web – Tuesday

So here I am in Montreal for Museums and the Web 2008. The journey was ok apart from the obligatory 2 hour delay out of Heathrow. Someone apparently spotted a snowflake on the runway so everything ground to a halt while they dispatched the emergency extreme weather squad to sort it out. They know how … Read more