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Introducing Mobile Museum

I’m ramping up to launch a sister site to this one. It’s called Mobile Museum and will be a series of semi-structured written interviews with people who have developed, authored or project-managed mobile solutions. Some of these people will be museum people, others won’t… If you’re interested you can find out more over on where there’s … Read more

Streetmuseum: Q&A with Museum of London

Streetmuseum – a rather lovely iPhone app by the Museum of London – launched a few weeks ago, and almost immediately began to cause a bit of a buzz across Twitter and other social networks. It’s hardly surprising that people have responded so positively to it – the app takes the simplicity of the Looking Into the … Read more

Crowdsourcing photosynth

I wrote about Photosynth when it first came out as a plugin back in August 2007.Then, I wasn’t sure, and felt that it was a technology looking for a reason. Since then, Microsoft have done a few very, very cool things with it. The most important of these is that anyone can now create Photosynths … Read more

For the webs2, please follow the crowd

The last talk I gave – in December 2008 – was at Online Information and titled “What does Web2.0 DO for us?”. Here are the slides (my third slide deck to get “homepaged” on slideshare…yay…): This one was attempting to focus on Web2.0 in the Enterprise. Frankly, “The Enterprise” is a subject which fills me with fear, … Read more

Mashed Museum 2008

On June 18th 2008 (the day before UK Museums on the Web conference) a bunch of us met in a room at Leicester University to do some museum mashing. Our aim was: ” …to give ourselves an environment free from political or monetary constraints. The focus of the day is not IPR, copyright, funding or … Read more : bootstrapping the NAW

What seems like a looong time ago I came up with an idea for “bootstrapping” the Non API Web (NAW), particularly around extracting un-structured content from (museum) collections pages. The idea of scraping pages when there’s a lack of data access API isn’t new: Dapper launched a couple of years ago with a model for … Read more

Lights, bushels.

Brian has written a short post about universities actively trying to stop promotional material (yes – promotional material) finding freedom on the web. How funny is that? On a related note, Sarah Perez from ReadWriteWeb did a post a couple of days ago about hidden image resources in the so called “deep web”. The list … Read more

Domain names. They aren’t really important.

A long thread has broken out (interesting phrase, “broken out”, implies a viral, “can’t stop it once it’s started” kind of feel…which is strangely apt..) on the Museums Computer Group email list about domain names. Fundamentally it started as a “should we move to .com” question and then as is the way on these kinds … Read more